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Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Jacquelyn O'Brien 8/01/13 4:50pm

Tonight will be my last sleep on the farm (for a while anyway) and I have very strong emotions. I am filled with joy and excitement thinking about starting my new job as a graduate assistant at RIT, starting graduate school, moving into a new apartment and spending some quality time with my love and our two dogs. I feel so lucky; I have been given this amazing opportunity to have been here for five weeks to spend completely on myself and my own artwork and it has been so incredibly beneficial. Not only that, but in a few hours I will be with my partner (whom I miss grandly) and then get to start a whole new chapter of our life in a new city. I thought I would feel sad leaving Osage, but instead I feel grateful and energized. I am more than ready for my first semester as a professional and grad student. Being here has prepared me, mind, body and soul. So instead of being sad I will honor this place by enjoying the growth I have established here and using it to its fullest potential.

Thank you Tony and Mark. Thank you Belle. Thank you Sahsa, Miley, Zeus, Bruno and Aphrodite. Thank you fellow artists in residence, Mary Nasser, Nolan Stolz and Jamie Rhodes. Thank you Spirits and energy of the farm. Thank you to Elena Lourenco and Chris Dufalla.

I feel like I’m ready to take on the world and be a professional working artist and student. Let this be a new beginning into a healthy, strong, full and loving life. I am very appreciative and very lucky and I will not forget that.

Now all I have to do is get Carolina used to the city life again!

Until next time,

Make good choices,

Jacquie OB

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