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Getting In the Groove

Getting In the Groove

Jacquelyn O'Brien 07/28/13 6:36pm

It seems as though as soon as I got into the groove of working and creating here my time has come to its end! This is my last week (for now) at Osage and I am reflecting on how wonderful my time here has been. It’s difficult to quantify how rewarding and enriching this experience has been, but what I can say is that it has changed me for the better. I have been enriched in my perspective, my work, and interactions with other serious artists, learning to be close to nature and to have the time to really look into myself to see who I am becoming as a person and as an artist. I am not done yet though! I still have four days and I intend to use them for working in my studio!

I am working on a large “drawing” on barn wood and components of an installation. These things will probably consume my next few days and make me a busy girl!

Carolina really loves her time in the country too; she seems to be really relaxed and content. I am very glad that I have had this time to spend with her and bond. She is woman’s best friend for sure!

I taught at the Osage art center for open studios in drawing, clay building and glazing; it was really rewarding and a good learning experience. Now I know how hard elementary education professionals have to work; I have a lot of respect for them! I will think of being here at Osage and meeting all of these wonderful people as part of my journey. I won’t be sad that they are leaving because they will always be there and we will always have had the time we spent together to remember and learn from. They aren’t gone; they just aren’t going to physically be in my living space. I truly look forward to keeping in contact with them and continuing to use them as resource for the wisdom they give me.

Until the next time,

Make good choices,

-Jacquie OB

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